Friday, March 23, 2012

Boy Allergic to Food

 Joshua, a nine year old boy, is allergic to the taste and smell of nearly all foods.  The boy has a disease called eosinophilic esophagitis and gets most his nutrients from a formula prescribed by his doctor. Joshua is home schooled by his parents and lives a very protected life because of his condition. If he did eat food he would be in severe pain and possibly even die.

My goodness, the stuff that happens in our world today. . . After I got over the initial shock that this boy cannot in fact, eat, I felt really bad for him. No pasta, no cheese, and no caramel brulee. I don't know if you guys have noticed but food is delicious...Then feeling bad turned into a kind of thankfulness for the world we live in. Not to long along this boy would not have made it. The fact that someone can live a relatively normal life without be able to eat shows how far medicine has come and all the good it's been doing. I wish Joshua the best as he learns to navigate life with his condition.

"A Boy Allergic to Food." Yahoo! Shine. Web. 23 Mar. 2012. <>.

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