Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bored Student endeavors to spite Starbucks

Okay, that wasn't the actually name of this article, but I'd say it's fitting. I can just see 22 year old Logan holding his birthday coupon for a free starbucks drink with a conniving smile on his face. Creating the world's most expensive starbucks drink? Sounds like as good of an afternoon as any. But getting his drink up to $23.60 plus tip was no small feat, the contents included: Java Chip Frappucino ($4.75), plus 16 shots of espresso($12), a shot of soy milk(.60), a drop of caramel flavoring(.50), a scoop of banana puree($1), another scoop of strawberry puree(.60), a few vanilla beans(.50), a dash of Matcha powder(.75), some protein powder(.50) and a caramel and mocha drizzle to cap it off(.60). That'll show starbucks! That's the last time they give someone an open-ended coupon!

I actually think I would get along with this Logan character. I kind of respect this endeavor, as pointless as it may be. I'm just curious what the thought process behind this was; it was almost like he was trying to prove something. That starbucks is overpriced? duh. That the American public spend way too much money on coffee? Also true, but I have a problem with these complaints. Starbucks in no way forces one to buy from them, they don't have a monopoly on the coffee industry and they do offer choices that are less than two dollars. If you do buy from them you're giving them the power to raise their prices since they know they'll still make money. If you hate starbucks stop complaining and make your own coffee. Now that I've sufficiently ranted today I just have one more thing to say. I find it extremely sad that after all that trouble Logan's drink turned out being barely tolerable. It's a sad waste of such a beautiful coupon. Being a self-proclaimed coffee snob I can't help but think of the delicious drink I could have gotten...

Weiss, Piper. "The Most Expensive Starbucks Drink Ever: $23.60 Plus Tip | Shine Food - Yahoo! Shine." Yahoo! Shine - Women's Lifestyle | Healthy Living and Fashion Blogs. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. <>.


  1. Ha! That is really funny. I do always get the Super Huge Amazingly Tall size at Bigby with my birthday coupon, and I always get an extra shot and soy at Starbucks on my birthday. But this beats my drinks anyday.

  2. I have to get in on these birthday drinks, they sound like a good deal! Haha oh definitely, all coffee should have a scoop of banana puree.
