Sunday, February 26, 2012

Global warming may lead to shorter humans and cuter animals

Recent studies show that global warming may shrink the human race. When global warming occurred 56 million years ago ancient horse species shrunk significantly then increased in size when the temperature cooled. More studies showed that one-third of mammal species has similar size change. These studies show a strong correlation between this change in size the the changing global heat. This could be a sign that global warming could cause humans to shrink in the future. This may be because smaller animals can shed more easily shed excess heat, which would be helpful in the increased heats. In fact, scientists predict the average temperature to rise 7 degrees Fahrenheit in the next few centuries.

I find this article very interesting. Mostly because these smaller ancient horses were about eight and a half pounds and that's probably one of the cutest things I can imagine. I would give my life savings and my right arm to have one as a pet. Other than that I don't find this article of any consequence; I have no prejudice against short people.

"Scientists: Global Warming May Lead to a Short Presence for Humanity." State Politics, Political News. Web. 26 Feb. 2012. <>.

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