Sunday, February 26, 2012

Relationship Advice From The Longest Living Married Couple; Married For 85 Years

 This is one of the coolest story I've seen in a long time. Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher have been married for 85 years, longer than most people are alive let alone married. Zelmyra is 101 years old and Herbert is 104. The couple now has 5 children, 10 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great grandchild. The article is all about there advice for a strong marriage like working together, doing nice things for each other, and communication. When asked what was the most important things they have in common they responded, "We are both Christians & believe in God.Marriage is a commitment to the Lord.We pray with & for each other every day."
I love this article because it manages to define love while giving an example of an extremely successful marriage. It shows that the dream marriage is possible; two people together for almost a century and still love each other. The fact that they credit God as keeping them together really speaks to me. It shows the importance of having Him at the center of a relationship. I wish this couple the best as they spend their last years together.

"Relationship Advice From The Longest Living Married Couple; Married For 85 Years." Black Like Moi. Web. 23 Feb. 2012. <>.

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