Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Is Stress Good for You?

We've all heard that a little stress is okay in our daily lives, but I had no idea it can actually be good for you. This article explains that stress can work like adrenaline and small doses of stress that have positive effects such as helping you get over a cold or flu, speeding up recovery after surgery, helping you bond with people, making vaccines more effective, enhancing memory, fighting tumors, and boosting your resiliency.

 I find this very interesting. Especially that it can fight tumors, because tumors are kind of a big deal. I wonder where the line is that stress goes from good for you to not so good for you. I wonder where I am in that spectrum, probably that latter. We live in a society where a lot of stress is normal. Maybe if we could lower society stress average a little, we would all be healthier. I have no idea how to go about doing this, but it's a nice idea.

"7 Surprising Ways Stress Helps Your Health and Wellbeing | Vitality - Yahoo! Shine." Yahoo! Shine - Women's Lifestyle | Healthy Living and Fashion Blogs. Web. 16 Feb. 2012. <http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/7-surprising-ways-stress-helps-health-wellbeing-175800759.html>.

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